Cat Pose and its Variations
If you want to start doing Yog asana for the first time, I am sure that most of you would definitely learn the cat pose in your very 1st Yoga session (just like me). It is the beginner’s pose or it is the beginning of your Yogic Journey. This is one of the simplest Yoga postures but very useful in Strengthening the Wrists, Spine muscles, Leg muscles, and Hand muscles as well. “Cat pose” is also referred to “Cow Pose”
There are 3 main variations of CAT Pose.
Cat Pose A
Technique to do Cat pose “A” is as below
Step 1. Come in the four-leg position with hands exactly below the shoulders and toes placed flat on the floor facing backwards.
Step 2. Relax the muscles of the trunk, especially the lower back region and allow the lumber region to go down forming a curve downward.
Step 3-Simultaneously, raise the head, taking the chin up to a comfortable level. Close your eyes and do Prana-Dharana (Focusing on Breath).
Releasing the Asana- Open eyes and go for Cat pose “B” or relax in simple seated position.
Cat Pose B
- Bring only the palms 4 to 6 inches towards the knees and take the mid trunk up like an arch.
- Simultaneously, relax the neck muscles and let the head come down and hang.
- Close your eyes and do Prana dharana.

Cat Pose c [Tripad Marjarasan]
Step 1. Come in the four-leg position with hands exactly below the shoulders and “Join knees in centre”
Step 2- First straighten the right leg at the knee by dragging the big toe on the ground, then lift the leg up keeping straight in the knee and simultaneously raise the head and chin up.
Step 3 – Close eyes, Practice Conscious Differential Relaxation and then Pranadharana. Similarly Repeat with left leg.

Benefits of Cat Pose
- Relieves from back- ache and neck-ache caused due to over work.
- Habit of drooping shoulders is checked.
- Improves posture.
- Improves processes of Respiration, digestion, and excretion. The spine becomes elastic, flexible and healthy.