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What is YCB

  1. YCB (Yoga Certification Board set up by the Government of India under Ministry of AYUSH for Certification and Accreditation
  2. Different categories to suit different levels of competencies and skills of Yoga professionals
  3. Accreditation of Yoga Institutions/centres under 4 levels based on scale and experience
  4. Better job opportunities for Yoga professionals in India and abroad

Levels of YCB for Yoga Professionals.

YCB Level 1-Loga Protocol Instructor

Yoga Instructors for teaching the basics of Yoga to
teach common Yoga protocol developed by the
Ministry of AYUSH for International Day of
Yoga. For classes in parks, societies etc., for
prevention of diseases and promotion of health

Download The YCB Level 1 Brochure

YCB Level 2- Yoga Wellness Instructor

Yoga Instructor to teach Yoga for the prevention of
illness and promotion of wellness in schools,
Yoga studios, workplaces etc

Download YCB Level 2 Syllabus here

Comparison between the Two levels of YCB is as below:

YCB Level 1 and 2 have basic Yogic syllbus in common and in Level 2 additional things like Practical and theory of the Shuddhikriyas have been added like Jala Neti.

YCB level 1 and 2 comparison

YCB level 1 and 2 comparison

Download Comparison Excel sheet

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